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You dare to chase me [end] (19th Dec 22 at 12:23am UTC)
"At will!" The staff member dialed the phone with an obvious hand, "Miss, I'm asking your name, so I can ask the front desk of Zhiqu and ask her to help you find the person you made an appointment with." "Inside, I think you may have misunderstood, I mean my name is called casual, surname, name, casual!" A casual look at the performance of the other side will know that the other side must have misunderstood his name, after all, this misunderstanding from childhood to adulthood is not the first time she met. Mom and Dad did not know how to think, one is a key university professor, one is a highly educated officer, how to give themselves such a casual name? It was quite casual, and the mouth of the staff member holding the phone twitched. Hello, is this Zhiqu Technology? Yes, there is a lady in the lobby downstairs who is looking for your company. I just asked her her name and forgot to ask her who she was looking for. Gu Rin, Gu Rin! Feel free to whisper answers next to him. If you want to find Gu Lin of your company, please ask him if it's convenient for him to come down and pick up this lady. Ok, then I'll tell her! The staff hung up the phone, "the front desk said she had gone to find Gu Lin,a333 grade 6 pipe, please wait here now." At least with hope, he casually thanked the staff member and sat down on the sofa in the waiting area of the lobby. There is a small game in the mobile phone, which was recommended to her by viper before. She said that she could take it out to practice her hand speed when she was free. It was boring to wait at will, so she used this small game to pass the time. There are also people waiting together, but the others were quickly picked up or left, and random cell phones are almost out of power, did not see Gu Rin down. Maybe he's busy, or is he not in the company at all? Unable to sit still,x70 line pipe, she was embarrassed to go to the person who had just called her, "Hello, can you help me make another call?" Staff nodded, but the heart has some complaints, this girl will not have any bad purpose, otherwise how can not see the wise and interesting people come down to pick her up. He made a phone call quickly, put down the phone and said to her regretfully: "The front desk of Zhiqu asked me to tell you that Gu Lin was in a meeting and asked you to wait a little longer." "Oh.." All right then! Sure enough, she wanted the staff in front of her to help her call the front desk and explain her purpose to the front desk, so that Gu Lin's colleagues could help her pass on Gu Lin's wallet. But look at the time, it seems that it is not far from the off-duty time, he has been tossing about for so long, do not care about more and so on, this thing or personally handed over to his hands, more assured. Casually and quietly, she retreated to the sofa in the waiting area. Her cell phone was out of power. She leaned back on the sofa, 347 stainless steel ,316l stainless steel pipe, but began to doze off.  ...   Chapter 30 unexpected situations. Coming out of the training room, I was still worried about Han Xingchen. I left him a message: I can't play computer for more than an hour every day. I installed an alarm program on your computer, and it will automatically shut down after an hour. Go to the Internet if you like. Han Xingchen received a message from his sister, but he was already sitting in front of the computer. On the game, to see the memories of first love actually online, think of last night he played on behalf of the behavior, fried hair pupils expressed great anger. In the memory: If you can't beat him, let him play on behalf of the trainer. It's really too tasteless. After a night of playing, Ba Zimo, who had won several games, received a chat as soon as he was ready to get off the line. Seeing the chat on the screen, he looked up at the ceiling in silence, and the pupils were really too vindictive. The taste of first love: Pupils, after school will go to do homework, do not play games, or the exam is not good, your mother will spank you. Han Xingchen was excited by this sentence and almost jumped up. In memory: You are a primary school student, your whole family is a primary school student, so what if I am a primary school pupil, at least I will not do this kind of thing that I play by myself for a while in the evening and find a substitute to play for a while (^) The taste of first love: Then stop talking nonsense and play a game.
Ba Zimo and Han Xingchen entered the game, Ba Zimo met professional players at will and naturally lost in a mess, but it was more than enough to deal with Han Xingchen, a primary school student. Finally, Han Xingchen could only look at the big word "failure" on the screen and the chat box sent by Ba Zimo. The taste of first love: primary school students, play less games and read more books, results are the last word, and ah, primary school students do not ask for training for qualifying, New Year's money spent, right? What's more, just as he was about to reply, the computer fell into a black screen. Han Xingchen immediately felt the infinite malice of the world to him. So the pupils can only finish their homework with grief and indignation. The first time I finished my homework was to get my mobile phone back from my mother. Han Xingchen: "Sister, SOS!" Casual: "Where do you need help?" Han Xingchen: "The Soul and Dignity of Future Flowers!" Casual: "How many losses?" Han Xingchen: "Three games." Looking at the numbers on the screen at random, I still feel that my one-hour time setting is a little long, and it should be set to a half-hour alarm automatic shutdown. Han Xingchen: "Sister, my points fell down, not happy." Casual: "It doesn't matter if the points fall down. As long as the grades don't fall down, your parents still love you. As for whether you are happy or not, I will bring you Lucifer's signature T-shirt next time." Han Xingchen is a fan of Lucifer, who is the king of the European e-sports circle. Last time she went to Paris to compete, she happened to meet him. She directly asked Lucifer to sign on her T-shirt, but this vacation forgot to bring it back to Han Xingchen. Han Xingchen: "Sister, he asked me to practice on behalf of him." Thinking of last night's game, I was very happy. The two people on the opposite side were also very funny. Obviously, they were fooling people first. At this time, it was time to blame others for asking them to practice. Han Xingchen: "Sister, if my points fall down,x56 line pipe, I will think about it in class every day. When the time comes, my grades will definitely fall down, and then you will be involved." 。
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